About Us

About Us

The Girls' Brigade is an international and interdenominational Christian youth organisation. It was founded in 1893 in Dublin, Ireland.

Three names are linked to the beginning of the Girls' Brigade in Malaysia. They are Mrs. Elsie Lyne, Miss Agnes Richards and Miss Joyce Lovell. Mrs. Elsie Lyne was then with Singapore YMCA where Mr. Lyne was then the Director of YMCA. Miss Agnes Richards was in Kulai - incharge of building up the Presbyterian work. Miss Joyce Lovell was also stationed in Kulai where she ministered to the community as a Christian nurse and mid-wife. These ladies were responsible for getting together other ladies from other denominations to share about the Girls' Brigade. As all of them came from England, Girls' Brigade materials and ideas were imported from London.


National Structure

The Girls' Brigade Malaysia is divided into 5 Regions.