2021 GB Asia Officers Conference

Greetings! It's time for another GB Asia Officers Conference.

Though we are unable to meet physically, we will meet virtually and are excited for the upcoming GBAOC in April 2021. The conference will be held on 24th - 25th April 2021 over one weekend, so save the dates! 

Registration starts 5th March 2021 and closing date 31st March 2021. Do click on this link to register https://forms.gle/zK1f384Z4RHPDxnr9

Points to Note for Participating Countries: 

1. Please prepare your GB FULL UNIFORM for 24/4. 

2. Registration Starts: 5th March 2021 and Closing Date: 31st March 2021 

3. For safety security reasons and for our IT Team to recognise and admit registered participants, before joining the Conference we need all participants to rename yourself to this format: GB Country _Name For example, for Malaysia, GBM_Charlotte Lee 

4. Tentative Program as follows: 

*Participants will be able to choose to enter ONE of the breakout rooms on actual day for workshop. 

** Program to be confirmed subject to availability of speaker. 

24th April 2021 (Saturday)

2.00 -2.30pm

Welcome & Ice Breaking

2.30 - 2.45pm

Praise & Worship

2.45 - 3.00pm

Testimony #1

3.00 - 3.45pm

Theme Talk #1

3.45 - 4.30pm

Sharing & Praying

4.30 – 4.40pm


4.40 - 5.30pm

Workshop #1*

-Sharing by GBS

-Sharing by GBHK

5.30 - 6.00pm

GBAF Matters


Closing Prayer

Group Photo (GB Uniform)


25th April 2021 (Sunday)

2.00 -2.10pm

Welcome Back

2.10 - 2.30m

Praise & Worship

2.30 - 2.50pm

Testimony #2

2.50 - 3.30pm

Theme Talk #2

3.45 - 4.30pm

Sharing & Praying

4.30 – 4.40pm



Workshop #2*

-Learn Thai from GB Thailand

-Learn Tagalog from GB Philippines

-Sharing on Leadership by Ms Hee

5.30 - 6.00pm

GBAF Matters


Closing Prayer

Group Photo (GB T-shirt)

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at secretary@girlsbrigade.org.my